PROGRAM: indelFit USAGE: indelFit [OPTIONS] indel-history.ih tree.nh > out DESCRIPTION: Estimate the parameters of a simple indel model, given an indel history and a tree. By default, writes estimates of three parameters to stdout: an insertion rate alpha, a deletion rate beta, and a parameter tau roughly equal to the inverse of the expected indel length (modulo adjustments required to make probabilities sum to one). An indel history can be obtained with indelHistory and a tree with phyloFit. OPTIONS: --alpha, -a Starting value of alpha, the insertion rate. Default is 0.02. --beta, -b Starting value of beta, the deletion rate. Default is 0.04. --tau, -t Starting value of tau, the length parameter. Default is 0.05. --lnl, -L Compute log likelihood of model only, without optimizing parameters. The options above can be used to set the parameters as desired. --columns, -c Output log likelihood of each column. --features, -f Estimate separate parameters for each type of feature in the given file, as well as for background sites. --reference, -r (For use with --features) Name of species (node of tree) defining coordinate frame of features. By default, the coordinate frame of the entire alignment is assumed. --log, -l Write log of optimization to specified file. --help, -h Display this help message and exit.